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Rurtalbahn rents RegioShuttle RS1

07.09.2022 // Rurtalbahn rents RegioShuttle RS1 from HEROS on long-term basis

Since the beginning of September 2022, Rurtalbahn GmbH has been renting a series 3 RegioShuttle RS1 from HEROS Rail Rent on a long-term basis.

The vehicle was handed over following the necessary general inspection and in the years ahead will be deployed on various lines on Ruhrtalbahn’s rail network.
During the rental period, HEROS will provide support in the form of its ‘Material Service’. This contractual arrangement enables Rurtalbahn to use the workshop, spare parts and technical installations available for its own vehicles, but without having to commit to any additional spare parts inventory and supplier relationships.

The rented vehicle was built in 2005 and its technical configuration is similar to that of the eight series 4 RegioShuttle RSI already operated by Rurtalbahn. Baureihe. The vehicle represents an ideal addition to the existing fleet of trains and will be maintained by Rurtalbahn in Düren.

To date, HEROS Helvetic Rolling Stock has acquired 36 RegioShuttle RS1 that will be sold or rented following completion of the necessary general inspections and various adaptations.

 Diesel railcar RegioShuttle RS1 building type 3 air conditioned low floor Rurtalbahn HEROS